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Grieving Grace Leader's Guide

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Elizabeth Ministry International's Grieving Grace program leader's guide is a custom written resource. This leader's guide is designed to provide you with the information you will need to lead a Christ-centered support group that will foster spiritual, emotional, relational and physical healing for those suffering perinatal loss. 

Grieving Grace is a bereavement support group designed from a Catholic perspective for those who seek God's consolation following a perinatal loss. This program emphasizes the healing power of God by using Scripture, prayer, activities, and faith sharing to address the issues of grief. Participant's experience God's love in the faith sharing that fosters spiritual growth along with healing. 

Deciding to offer a Christ-centered, perinatal bereavement support group in your parish will give those who are mourning a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death, an opportunity to share their story, experience community, grow spiritually, be consoled with a Catholic perspective, and find healing through the grace of God.

Also available #2139 Grieving Grace Participant's Guide

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